What kind of dentures are best for me?

overdentures, economy dentures, immediate dentures, Valplast dentures

Everyone has a unique dental situation. Missing teeth can be unavoidable and very frustrating. Where do you go from there?

Thankfully, modern-day dental innovation has provided many more options for these situations than there used to be. There are many forms of dentures that could be a good fit for you.

Denture Types

There are two primary types of dentures: full and partial. Full dentures would contain fake teeth for a full upper or lower jaw. Partial dentures are several fake teeth in a row anchored to the natural teeth beside them.

Even amongst these two options, there are plenty of variations.

Full Dentures

Full Dentures last around 5 to 7 years before needing a replacement. There are, however, several types of full dentures in which the length of time they last varies greatly:

  • Full dentures (5-7 years)

  • Immediate dentures (replace quickly)

  • Economy dentures (cheaper and not customized to mouth - a poor long-term option)

  • Overdentures (implant-supported and last 15-20 years)

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures come in many different forms. There are bridges and implants that create a permanent attachment in the mouth. Some of the removable options are the following:

  • Partial dentures (around five years dependent on materials)

  • Valplast partial dentures (more flexible, 5-15 years dependent on care)

Your dentist might recommend a specific denture material for your mouth. While the materials vary in duration, they also vary in what works for each individual person. Speak with a dentist at Perry Dental to discover what will work best for you!

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