How often will I need appointments for braces?

How often will I need appointments for braces?

If you’re thinking about getting braces, you’re probably curious about what the process will look like—and how often you’ll be in the orthodontist's chair. While this depends on your orthodontist and the state of your teeth, generally, appointments happen every 4-6 weeks and can be as short as 15 minutes. 

Before Braces

The process will start with a consultation where you and the orthodontist discuss and decide on your treatment plan. Your next appointment, where the braces are applied, will likely take about an hour to set your brackets and place the wires and bands.

During Braces

As your teeth progress as planned, you can expect to see the orthodontist every 4-6 weeks. During these appointments, the dentist might:

  • Change your bands

  • Change or replace your wires

  • Repair your brackets

Appointment length will generally be short if you are just going in for a checkup, and a little longer if other adjustments need to be made. However, because of concerns, broken brackets, or bent wires, people with braces should be prepared to attend a few unexpected appointments.

After Braces

When your braces come off, you will have an appointment where the orthodontist will fit you for a retainer. This retainer is to be worn daily for the first few months. You may have occasional appointments to ensure your retainer is working properly. Even after you are cleared to wear the retainer solely at night, annual checkups are recommended to ensure that your teeth have not regressed and that no new problems have developed.

Ready to start your journey to a straighter smile? Give our office a call today and set up a consultation!

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