What Does Professional Teeth Whitening Do for Your Teeth?

What Does Professional Teeth Whitening Do for Your Teeth?

Have you been contemplating getting your teeth whitened professionally? In-office teeth whitening can boost your confidence, give you a whiter smile, and remove stains that brushing will not. Take a look at our full list of professional teeth whitening benefits below.

Better Oral Health

One of the best parts of professional teeth whitening is that it can improve oral health and make cavities less likely to develop. Over time, teeth become yellow. Professional whitening can erase the discoloration and restore your teeth to their original whiteness.


In-office teeth whitening also lasts longer than at-home options. While at-home options may last a few months, professional whitening treatments can last years, making them a great investment.

Less Sensitivity

Unlike many over-the-counter products, professional whitening lowers the risk of teeth sensitivity after the whitening process. Dental professionals prevent the bleaching agent in whitening materials from coming in contact with your gums, which lessens irritation. 

Quicker Results

Professional whitening procedures are time-effective as well. Appointments only last around 30-60 minutes. While other products may take multiple applications to work, you will be able to see results after just one professional teeth whitening appointment.

More Personalized

Professional teeth whitening can be very personalized, achieving the exact level of brightness you want in the areas you want. Not to mention, it is safer for your enamel!

The benefits of professional teeth whitening are evident. To give your teeth a better whitening experience, call our office and schedule an appointment today!

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